Golf (Boys V) Speedway High School Football (Boys V)

Presenting Isaac Graber

By Derek Doehrmann | Dec 5, 2023 8:00 AM


Today we celebrate senior Isaac Graber, a student-athlete representing the football and golf programs at Speedway. Isaac’s contributions to the football and golf programs are both noticeable to the people both inside and outside of the program. “Isaac had a great season,” said varsity football coach Shane Clampitt. “Isaac is a kid you can build a program around. He worked hard all four years, moved positions to help the team, and was always a positive leader.” “He was undersized but started and played well on both sides of the ball.” Graber was consistently among the top six varsity players on last year’s boys golf team that was highly competitive last season and finished just a few strokes outside of an ICC tournament title. The program returns the bulk of the team this spring. What does Graber enjoy most about his sports participation? “Creating a brotherhood,” replied Graber. “It’s about creating a work ethic, and learning life lessons.” While Isaac is currently undecided about his plans for beyond Speedway, one thing he definitely has identified is a strong influence in his life: his father. “My dad is always helping me and pushing me to be my best at all time,” said Isaac. Isaac is the son of Kyle Graber and Melissa Taylor. He has three younger siblings: Zac (grade 10), Katie (grade 7) and Kara (grade 6).